Film Review: Ant-Man

As you will probably know I am a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but when I first heard about this film I was a little sceptical. I mean, how could a film with the title 'Ant-Man' be any good? It just sounded ridiculous and I had never even heard of this superhero or the comics he comes from.

However, my opinion changed drastically and very quickly when I saw the first full trailer.
First of all I love Paul Rudd. I remember his as Mike, Phoebe's partner in the TV series Friends. I also own some of his films like I Love You, Man and Role Models. He is a great comedy actor, but seeing him in this trailer - although with it's signature comedy moments that Marvel have now adopted into each film, which I love - this was a role that could give Paul Rudd the chance to play a more serious part.

I went into this movie expecting to like it a lot just because it was Marvel and they would have to do something truly horrible for me to dislike something, but I also still had that little niggling voice in the back of my mind saying 'You're seriously about to watch a movie called 'Ant-Man'? Why are you here, this sounds terrible?!'

But, boy was that little voice in my head wrong!

I thought this film was brilliant. It wasn't as good as Age of Ultron (obviously) but it is right up there with my favourites. Paul Rudd was phenomenal and I was happy to see at the end of the film they added 'Ant-Man will return' to the credits. I'd love to see what comes next with these characters.

I was really looking forward to the two end of credits scenes as well, which were both brilliant. The second one in particular was amazing as you got a glimpse of Captain America, leading on to the Civil War movie out in the summer of next year.

I don't want to tell you too much about this film really because I want you to go and see it and enjoy it for yourself, but know that it is full of action and those great comedy moments too. The cast was superb, with Michael Douglas was on top form, and you get that little cameo from Stan Lee too. I will definitely be going to see it for a second time at some point this coming week!
I would give this film:
I really enjoyed this movie, but just not as much as Avengers: Age of Ultron.
I'm also pretty excited for the next Marvel film, a reboot of Fantastic Four which comes out in two weeks. Although the mega-exciting Marvel movie is not out until next summer (Captain America: Civil War!)
Were you as excited as me for this movie? Have you seen it? What did you think? Share your thoughts with me via Twitter or in the comments section below.

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