Film Review: Finding Dory

It's finally here! After waiting thirteen years since the release of Finding Nemo, we finally have Finding Dory

First of all I have to tell you about the amazing Disney short they show before the movie starts. It's called Piper and Piper is the most adorable little bird (pictured above). I honestly teared up watching this, as well as laughing! It was possibly the best Disney short I've ever seen before a film. You will love it, he's just so cute.

Speaking of cute, we open this film on baby Dory. She is the most incredible little thing, and I could have honestly watched just baby Dory for an hour and a half - possibly longer. She has some brilliant lines that will stay with you after the film has finished, such as 'I like sand, sand is squishy' and 'I suffer from short-term remembory loss'. She's so sweet, I laughed and cried.

There were so many of the original characters included in this film which is set one year on after the last movie. You even get to see Crush and Squirt the turtles for a short scene.

There were also many new characters who were just as good as the old ones. My favourites included the sea lions (pictured below), and you can't not love the cute, cuddly otters. Two very memorable characters who you need to look out for are Gerald, another sea lion (pictured further down, holding the green bucket) and Becky (also pictured further down, with a cup on her head!)

The story of Dory trying to find her family is a great one. It shows her when she was little, when she was on her own and lost, then catches up to the present day when she starts to wonder about her parents. It really is a lovely storyline.

Also, I must tell you that if you don't mind waiting thorough the credits, there is a brilliant little extra scene at the end. I won't spoil it for you, but if you liked the characters of the first film, just please keep watching. Our screen was full last night and only around twelve people - including myself, Clay and my mum - stayed until the very end. It's worth a watch!

I'm easily giving this film:

I adored this movie. From beginning to end I felt the way I did when I first saw Finding Nemo all those years ago at the age of eleven! I was emotional from the start, with the Piper short and the opening scene with baby Dory. I just loved every moment, and there were so many funny moments too that weren't just funny for children.

I'm also so happy that when I entered that cinema screen last night that it was all people my age or older. There were not any young children at all, which could be to do with the fact that it was 8:30PM but people around my age feel like the 'originals' in a way, having experienced the first film when it was released back in 2003. It's obviously targeted at children, but I've been waiting for thirteen years for this sequel!

I can't recommend this film enough, for both adults and children. If you loved the first one, you must see this! Let me know what you thought of it too. You can tell me in the comments section below, through Twitter or Instagram.

P.S. What would Dory do? (You'll understand this reference if you've seen the film)

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