Week 7 & 8: Tone It Up 2016 Challenge

So here are my updates from the final fortnight of the 2016 TIU challenge. Although I felt I'd started to slack a little bit here and there when things like uni work and wedding planning, I still managed to make time for even the shortest workout that made me feel so much better afterwards.

Here is my last post for this New Year challenge! Also, I just want to apologise for the repeated photos from my past three check in posts on this challenge. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to take new photos these past two weeks.

Day 43: I did the Bodyweight HIIT first thing this morning and then completed Burn It Up in the afternoon when I got home from work.

Day 44: Today I did the new band routine and followed it up with the Total Body Tone Up (this is still one of my favourites from this series!)

Day 45: I kept it simple today with an hour of pilates using a couple of videos from YouTube.

Day 46: I did my favourite Kettle Booty workout today, along with Toned Arms.

Day 47: I started my day with yoga this morning. I used to really dislike the thought of yoga, and when I finally tried it I didn't mind it but at the same time I didn't love it. But doing this challenge has definitely made me love it!

Day 48: I did Burn It Up again today (I can't get enough of this new HIIT workout). I felt so much better after doing this in the morning before a busy day of wedding preparation.

Day 49: It's Sunday! I did 10k today which was a challenge for me, but I did it. I did intervals of running and walking because I'm still getting used to the whole running thing.

Day 50: The band routine was my morning workout today, and then I did some yoga in the evening before bed.

Day 51: 45 minutes of dance this afternoon (in my living room to my workout playlist) and then the new ball routine. I think mine may have a slow puncture as every time I pump it up, it goes back down within 24 hours!

Day 52: It was Toned Arms this morning, followed by 30 minutes of circuits in my living room for some cardio, and then Kettle Booty (just because it's my favourite!)

Day 53: I am so, so busy! But I managed to fit in the Burn It Up routine and then some yoga in the evening.

Day 54: It's HIIT time! I did the HIITy Bitty Workout and then used the foam roller, which was well deserved!

Day 55: For my workout today I did some yoga, before doing some more jobs for the wedding.

Day 56: The final day, and I did my favourite two workouts... If you've been reading my posts then I bet you can guess... Kettle Booty and Total Body Tone Up!

So we're done, and I can't tell you how much better I feel after following this programme. It was free - which was a great bonus - and I really felt it working. It was a fantastic journey that I will definitely continue. I probably won't keep up the fortnightly posts about my workouts and progress because it gets a bit repetitive, but I will occasionally post about anything new and exciting from Tone It Up, especially when they start a new challenge such as their Bikini Series.

If you followed the TIU challenge then well done, and if not then I hope you can take some inspiration from how much I have enjoyed it and how I was able to fit it in on busy days, and maybe you can try it too.

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