Film Review: The Revenant

I am a huge Leonardo DiCaprio fan and when I saw the trailer for this film I knew this had to be the one where he won some awards. He already won at the Golden Globes, but I am desperate for his to take home an Oscar. I want it for him because there's so many other times he could have had one and he's always missed out. It's such a shame, but like I said the trailer for this gave me high hopes.

I left the cinema in awe of the effort that Leo had put into the making of this film. I had already read a lot about what he had gone through during filming but to see it on the big screen and feel it was incredible.

I also have to give a massive round of applause to Tom Hardy who was a fantastic and very prominent character. His accent was spot-on and he was superb, as always.

This film is not for the faint-hearted, I will tell you that. There were a great number of times that I had to look away for a minute or look into the corner of the screen to avoid what was taking place. Again, you know I don't like to spoil anything for potential viewers with my reviews so I won't give any specifics away, but just be warned that it gets a little hard to watch in places.

I would award this film: 

This movie has 'Oscars' written all over it! It has to win big, and I'm sure it will. It is your typical awards season film, and by this I mean one that is very long and that you don't feel the need to watch again straight away even though it's fantastic. I don't mean this in a rude way, like I don't want to watch it again, but it's one of those movies that takes you on such a long, tense journey that you need some time to chill before confronting it again! I'll have my fingers crossed for Leo and the rest of the cast at the Oscars!

If you see this movie, let me know what you think! Do you think it will bring anything back from the Oscars?

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