Film Review: Everest

I'm a bit late seeing as this movie came out over a month ago, but it just wasn't at the top of my list - although it was at the top of Clay's! We planned to see it this Friday (16th) but 'Crimson Peak' opens that day so we decided to go for a mid-week trip to the cinema and see 'Everest' so that we could get to Del Toro's new movie on Friday night. You can count on a review for that one, I've only been excited about it for as long as I can remember (see my previous post about it here!)

Anyway, back to 'Everest'...

I was put off of seeing this movie at first because it is based on a true story and I had a strong feeling that it couldn't be a happy ending where everyone makes it home alive and that's it! So it was just as I expected, but this didn't mean it wasn't any good!

Again, I won't give away any of the film, although a lot of people already know their stories. To be honest, because I am so late seeing it, you've probably seen or heard about it already!

I spent the whole of the second hour of the film on the edge of my seat, over whether they would make it to the top, what would happen when the storm came, and so on. I found it a little slow at first as I thought the majority of the movie would be them in the storm but that didn't come for a while, but I understand that the explanations of who they were, where they were from, and how they prepared to climb the mountain were very important scenes to have in there.

The cast was incredible! That was the true high point of this film for me. Jason Clarke (pictured above) is a great actor, and although she isn't in it too much, Keira Knightly was amazing!

Also, I cried a little in this film! When they warned of 'upsetting scenes' before it started they weren't kidding!

I would award this film:
I really enjoyed watching their journey in this movie, but as good as I thought it was, it isn't one of those films that I would rush to see again or go out and buy when it's released on DVD/Blu-Ray.
What did you think of this film? Do you agree with my scoring?

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