Film Review: Legend

I have been waiting not-so-patiently for this film to be released, so I planned to go opening night, thinking it would open on a Friday. But I booked tickets to see 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E' on Wednesday (for a third time! You can see my review here), without realising that 'Legend' was being released that day! Silly me. So Clay and I immediately booked tickets for Friday night.

When I booked the tickets I saw that it was certificate 18. Now, I knew the nature of their story before we went, and I assumed that the rating would mean that there would be some very violent scenes because I can't remember the last time I saw a film at the cinema rated as an 18. You might be wondering 'Where they right to actually put it out as an 18?', and in a simple answer, YES. Especially the last ten minutes of the film, so just be warned. There was a few moments that left me with my mouth hanging open in horror and had me throwing my hands over my face.

But the bloodthirsty, violent scenes were nicely balanced out with some comedic moments, mostly from Ronnie Kray. There was a scene in the church with Ronnie that still makes me crack up when I think about it now. He only had to say a few words to make everyone in the cinema crack up!

Tom Hardy's performance as both Kray twins was brilliant, and there is a fight scene between the two of them that really stands out. Again, I don't want to give too much away because I want you to go and see it, as I would definitely recommend it, but just go in there prepared to be shocked, to laugh, and at a couple of points, to cry (if you're anything like me there is at least one scene that will make you tear up).

I also must add how full that cinema screen was. It was completely full, with not a single empty seat in sight, and I don't think I've ever been to a completely full screen before! It was an amazing atmosphere, and that's why I love going to these kinds of films when they first come out.

I would give this movie: 

I would have given this five but I found some of the violence in the last scene hard to watch. I can't praise this movie enough for everything else and I expected strong violence because of the history of the Kray twins and the certification of the film, but it was a little hard to handle at times.

Have you been to see this movie? What did you make of it?

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