Film Review: Big Hero 6

I wrote this post out over a week ago but forgot to post it. So here it is, my review of Big Hero 6:

I had really high expectations for this film, seeing as it includes Marvel comic book characters and I'm a bit of a Marvel nut.

I cannot explain to you how much I love Baymax, who resembles a giant marshmallow but is probably more similar to one of those inflatable Santa's that some people put up outside their houses at Christmas time.

The adorable air-filled 'robot' made the film for me. The storyline was really good, and made me wish I had tried harder with science at school and gone on to create something cool like the characters in the movie, but Baymax was the best part of the whole film.

His slowness as he moved around the bed when he first appeared in Hiro's room, how he stated 'I am not fast' when trying to run away from an attack by micro-bots, and how the air leaked from him like a balloon after he ended up with a number of holes were some of the best scenes. How he used the tape to cover the punctures was brilliant.


But the best scene for me was Baymax with his low battery. The film is worth watching just for this! Seeing this puffy robot walk about like he's drunk and trying to climb the stairs was a genius idea and I applaud the person behind this.

This film also had its sad moments, which I won't disclose on here for those who haven't seen it.

Overall, I enjoyed this film but I do feel that Baymax made the film what it is, and that without him appearing as he does it would have been a completely different film.

I have awarded this movie:

What did you think of Big Hero 6? Do you love Baymax as much as I do?

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