I'm Reading: Everything!

I may have found this on Pinterest a month late but I came across this '2015 reading challenge' post by Pop Sugar.
I love to read and I almost always have my head buried in a book and I don't very often go out without my Kindle if I think I'll have a chance to read. My Kindle is one of the original black and white ones with no backlight, which is just the way I like it. I don't see the point in these new Kindles that have colour, bright lights, and apps where you can watch films and play games because that's not what a Kindle was made for! If you want that, buy an iPad or another form of tablet. Kindles are for reading! Rant over!
Oh, wait! I'm also one of those book nuts who won't buy a book with a film poster cover, it has to be either the original or something close to it, like if it's an anniversary copy or a re-released slightly different cover. Even if it's cheaper, I won't do it! That may make me crazy but that's just me and my strange ways. Anyway...
This reading challenge consists of a list of fifty ideas for you to try and complete by the end of 2015. Now, I'm a month behind so lucky you if you saw this before I did. I have some catching up to do, although I have already gone through two books this year that I'm sure I can fit in to these categories to tick them off.
So, here's the list:
Are you going to be taking part in the challenge, or have you already started? What books do you like? Do you have one especially favourite book?
Comment on this post, find me on Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. I have a whole board on my Pinterest account dedicated to books called 'read' if you want to take a look!

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